After a long gap I m writing again, ecstasy coming to me. :), Wait, before I get lost in words, let me make a change in my writing policies. (writing too have policy lollzzz).
This time I m not just going to discuss the real time stories and matters of little concern but I’ll simply write down my thoughts, be whatever it is. Let this be simply blogging with emphatic emotions. RIGHT!!
Flashback – few days earlier I was talking to my buddy x and between that conversation we had a small talk about the legendary classic “MUGHAL-E-AZAM”. My buddy x had few words of appraisal about the lyrics of the movie, more specifically the so called “SHAIRANA ANDAAZ” of the dialogues. This made me to watch the movie again, though I didn’t watch it the same day and then too I forgot that I had scheduled this movie in my list.
Again after three days I was listening to radio n I felt these words in my ears “Jab Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya”. The movie striked my conscious again. I watched it and I find out myself in love with it, this time very deeply then ever before. Then I went searching for few official information related to movie. What urged me to do so was my faint knowledge of the actual love story between Madhubala and Dilip Kumar during the period when the film was still in manufacturing.
I was desperate to find out what happened to the real love story. And here I m with my search results. Believe me as you will reach the end you will feel something for the story of enduring love of all the times, in your heart.
The film was released on August 5 1960.
The response of the audience was marvelous.
People were hooked to Madhubala’s mesmeric screen presence, Prithviraj Kapoor’s royal sketch of Akbar, Naushad’s soulful music and Shakeel Badayuni’s unforgatable lyrics. What a lovely combination they all formed up.
For 3 years continuously people kept coming back to watch it just once more. Mughal –E– Azam went down the history with golden letters of achievements with its name. It was one of the greatest hindi movie ever and it took more than 15 years for “Sholay” to come and break its box office record.
Director Asif was a perfectionist man !! Tell me a thing he didn’t went for. He wanted to get everything just right. The level of detailing was incredible. A few examples: the Krishna idol in one scene was of real gold, the jwellery that rani Jodha Bai was wearing was designed in authentic rajisthani style of that era, soldiers from Indian army were used in war scenes.
But the movie’s mystique comes from the way it reflected the real life. To be precise, the uncomplete love of Dilip Kumar who played Salim and Madhubala, who played Anarkali.
Well, the 18 year old girl (Madhubala) had a fancy on Dilip since from the set of film Tarana. But it was on the sets of Mughal-E-Azam where the love really caught on.
Very soon , the two decided to get married.
But it was not that simple. Again just like in the movie, it was the father who separated the lovers. Ataullah Khan, Madhubala’s father, didn’t approve of their union. Next, when B.R. Chopra planned “Naya Daur” 1957 with the two in lead and planned an outdoor shooting, Khan asked his daughter not to go. He avoided any kind of proximity between them. And more she was pigeonholed in her home, alas !!
The father’s plan to separate the two succeeded but it also ruined Madhubala. Chopra sued her for the loses she made to the shooting and not showing up and to her shock, Dilip Kumar testified against her in court. She lost the case n was shattered. Their love ended bitterly.
But then too the rest of the shooting of Mughal-E-Azam was done, but in rather uncomfortable and uneasy atmosphere. Both Dilip kumar and Madhubala acted professionally and helped Asif to complete his film. They never talked nor even met then after.
When Madhubala died in 1969, aged 36, due o heart disease, Dilip Kumar was not in Mumbai. When he heared the news he cried like a baby, not wanting to hide his love for the Anarkali in his life even though he was already married(to Saira Banu).
Parda Nahi Jab Koyi Khuda Se, Bandon Se Parda Karna Kya ?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Indian people are so Indian. our policies,beliefs and conventional theories have given us a lot of gifts.The most visible is our opportunism and access to technology of jugaad .these characteristics unite Indians. everyone seeks an opportunity to drive the other off way, off course competition is tough.
elsewhere nations fights with others but here people fight among themselves.everyone owns " ME VERSUS THE REST OF THE WORLD" ideology. for us, ourselves ,our family and our career comes first. ignoring things is our habit and jugaad has become our tradition. a man's whole life seems to by sorrunded and supported by these jugaads.
Starting from the beginning ,when we were admitted to a good senior school ,the jugaad worked there and then after achieving medals of failure and compartments in our result we still carried on to higher studies with jugaad, not placed !!! no problem, jugaad is here too,you will get place on behalf of your father's social contacts. didnt got visa, jugaad available, getting in to national team-its impossible without jugaad.
jugaad can make you buy anyything even if it do not fall under your budget ,need car means u need jugaad,need to make more money-make some jugaad.
getting driver licensee, saving tax, saving power bills-go for a jugaad n etc etc etc...this jugaad country is well known for its jugaad. jugaad is a ability to get work done when things doesnt favor us. its about doing things with what you have and not with what you wished to have. don't compare it with physics and mechanics,its a different subject having largest readership in India.
India is a country where it can be proved that god exits and miracle happens. otherwise how it would have been possible to make such huge progress and big development.we have a diary full of unsolved problems and even then we are happy. we are happy because we have jugaad , a USP of ours. this jugaad mindset and "ho jaaiga" attitude is the key thing that makes us different from the rest. those who dont have it , its ok.
learn from those who have because in India those who have it, are the winners at everyfront.
Monday, November 23, 2009
I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult.
I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities
of an 8-year-old again.
of an 8-year-old again.
I want to go to McDonald's and think that it's a four star restaurant.
I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and
make ripples with rocks.
make ripples with rocks.
I want to think M&Ms are better than money because
you can eat them.
you can eat them.
I want to lie under a big oak tree and run a lemonade
stand with my friends on a hot summer day.
stand with my friends on a hot summer day.
I want to return to a time when life was simple.
When all you knew were colors, multiplication tables,
and nursery rhymes,
and nursery rhymes,
but that didn't bother you, because you didn't know what
you didn't know and you didn't care.
you didn't know and you didn't care.
All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all the things that should
make you worried or upset.
I want to think the world is fair.
That everyone is honest and good.
I want to believe that anything is possible.
I want to be oblivious to the complexities of life and
be overly excited by the little things again.
be overly excited by the little things again.
I want to live simple again.
I don't want my day to consist of computer crashes, mountains of paperwork, depressing news,
how to survive more days in the month than there is
money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip,
money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip,
illness, and loss of loved ones.
I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind
word, truth, justice, peace, dreams,
word, truth, justice, peace, dreams,
the imagination, mankind, and making angels
in the snow.
in the snow.'s my checkbook and my car keys, my credit
cards and all my responsibility.
cards and all my responsibility.
I am officially resigning from adulthood.
And if you want to discuss this further, you'll have to
catch me first, 'cause,
catch me first, 'cause,
"Tag! You're it.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I m an Indian ! sorry Marathi !!!
Just wanna make u remember those lines once again -
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a [SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC] and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all.
The very first lines of our constitution .the introduction to our laws, rules and regulations, infact the introduction to our justice, our faith, belief and confidence.
For your immediate attention i have mentioned few words in capital,within brackets.
The five words that makes an every Indian citizen exactly the same.
It seems that these "words" are merely words on a paper. for this, I hope there is no one who will stand against me and if you do then u should have a really substantiative reason for that.
Now look , Mr. Thackrey - the lord of marashtrians "the marathis" is agree with me on the fact that these words are merely words and they posses no meaning to us.
There was one in the Indian history(Mr. Jinnah) ,who divided our diversified nation on the basis of religion, on the name of giving equal status to his community and then we have an another who wants to replicate the same (Mr.Raj Thackeray),this time for the rights of maharashtrians. "is it a cake,cut your piece and take it to your own plate !!!.
Thank god, these people don't have enough reach to the oxygen out there in the atmosphere otherwise they would have divided that too in to pieces,marking "Marathi oxygen for Marathi people". If maharashtra is for marathis ,karnataka for kannad ,tamil nadu for tamils, then why do we have india. divide the whole country and let the others invade India once again,let the history be repeated.
Balasaheb Thackeray claims that he is proud of those 109 marathi people who scarified their lives to make Mumbai a part of Maharashtra. Did he ever imagined how many people sacrified their lives for the freedom of india, and that india included maharashtra as well. Those people didnt bothered who is marathi and who is bihari. Did marathis fought alone for their freedom and if it is then the issue should be closed at once but they alone didnt. Did the marathi alone grieved for the 26/11,no,the whole india cried with them. Did they alone fought with all natural disasters,well i cant imagine if they did. I don't know what they are proud off. ....their race , their religion, their minds, or anything they did alone.
look friends, states were divided not the people !
And when someone like Sachin Tendulkar comments on this when he is asked to do - he portrays the truth only. People said -he should'nt have commented "mumbai for all" at a public place. Then where he should have commented "in his bathroom"? He pays taxes to government and have equal right to have his opinion on the things, after all our mighty constitution provides us with the right to speech and expression and Sachin is a literate.
WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a [SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC] and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all.
The very first lines of our constitution .the introduction to our laws, rules and regulations, infact the introduction to our justice, our faith, belief and confidence.
For your immediate attention i have mentioned few words in capital,within brackets.
The five words that makes an every Indian citizen exactly the same.
It seems that these "words" are merely words on a paper. for this, I hope there is no one who will stand against me and if you do then u should have a really substantiative reason for that.
Now look , Mr. Thackrey - the lord of marashtrians "the marathis" is agree with me on the fact that these words are merely words and they posses no meaning to us.
There was one in the Indian history(Mr. Jinnah) ,who divided our diversified nation on the basis of religion, on the name of giving equal status to his community and then we have an another who wants to replicate the same (Mr.Raj Thackeray),this time for the rights of maharashtrians. "is it a cake,cut your piece and take it to your own plate !!!.
Thank god, these people don't have enough reach to the oxygen out there in the atmosphere otherwise they would have divided that too in to pieces,marking "Marathi oxygen for Marathi people". If maharashtra is for marathis ,karnataka for kannad ,tamil nadu for tamils, then why do we have india. divide the whole country and let the others invade India once again,let the history be repeated.
Balasaheb Thackeray claims that he is proud of those 109 marathi people who scarified their lives to make Mumbai a part of Maharashtra. Did he ever imagined how many people sacrified their lives for the freedom of india, and that india included maharashtra as well. Those people didnt bothered who is marathi and who is bihari. Did marathis fought alone for their freedom and if it is then the issue should be closed at once but they alone didnt. Did the marathi alone grieved for the 26/11,no,the whole india cried with them. Did they alone fought with all natural disasters,well i cant imagine if they did. I don't know what they are proud off. ....their race , their religion, their minds, or anything they did alone.
look friends, states were divided not the people !
And when someone like Sachin Tendulkar comments on this when he is asked to do - he portrays the truth only. People said -he should'nt have commented "mumbai for all" at a public place. Then where he should have commented "in his bathroom"? He pays taxes to government and have equal right to have his opinion on the things, after all our mighty constitution provides us with the right to speech and expression and Sachin is a literate.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
social faces
right now , i m a socialist ! in what sense i'll tell u for sure .
see, i talk about ethics,i talk about government responsibilities and i talk about principles and cultural values,i boast off my social, i am a socialist n i am a responsible citizen. don't dare to have any doubt in your mind. many like me are responsible and loyal citizen towards my mighty nation and we are proud of this. we are specialized for talking about government policies which are not useful for us in anyway but are essential to a section of society,but we don't have to care about that what we care about is our own benefit. what if government is trying hard to make our nation secular,but we will give our best to promote our cast and religion.
we will also have reservation for out class because its our birth right and we are born to have it. if railway is making fare less for the poor we'll persist to make our fare less too.what all privileged others enjoying we will enjoy too. ohhh !! we are so devoted to our economy that we never lags in reducing the burden of our government. fake properties,black money,house on public places and of course free light and water, we are so delighted,we are the natural heirs to it anyhow ! best is when we are awarded for it, after all we lead our class, our society our religion on a bigger front and on a bigger picture. our types of people when again in not so distant future forms government and lead the nation , no doubt our corruption growth rate,inflation would rise beyond our expectations and the not so important GDP, NDP, LITERACY, sex ratio will be always seen as minor issues.
see, i talk about ethics,i talk about government responsibilities and i talk about principles and cultural values,i boast off my social, i am a socialist n i am a responsible citizen. don't dare to have any doubt in your mind. many like me are responsible and loyal citizen towards my mighty nation and we are proud of this. we are specialized for talking about government policies which are not useful for us in anyway but are essential to a section of society,but we don't have to care about that what we care about is our own benefit. what if government is trying hard to make our nation secular,but we will give our best to promote our cast and religion.
we will also have reservation for out class because its our birth right and we are born to have it. if railway is making fare less for the poor we'll persist to make our fare less too.what all privileged others enjoying we will enjoy too. ohhh !! we are so devoted to our economy that we never lags in reducing the burden of our government. fake properties,black money,house on public places and of course free light and water, we are so delighted,we are the natural heirs to it anyhow ! best is when we are awarded for it, after all we lead our class, our society our religion on a bigger front and on a bigger picture. our types of people when again in not so distant future forms government and lead the nation , no doubt our corruption growth rate,inflation would rise beyond our expectations and the not so important GDP, NDP, LITERACY, sex ratio will be always seen as minor issues.
dreams,frog and the bumble bee !

when we talk about dreams ..we talk about our fantasies ,our passions, our desires ,wishes and what not. atleast we have sumthing for which neither we have to pay bills or any kinda taxes nor their are any limitations. dreaming is so much fun na !! no efforts, nothing and you enjoy it as in your real life.sitting idle on chair, like me right now!!! ,lost in the world where nobody can stop me ! now thats cool. whatever you want you can get ,atleast for a period when your are in your dreamland and no one wakes you up ! riding a supersonic jet , playing for your favorite team, owning a Bentley , supercrystal house ..with Oprah sofas , life is so easy in dreams !!! but dreams always run ahead of us and to catch up with them is the real intent without action is useless,right ! there exists only a small percentage of people who says they form their unison with their dreams. these are the people who acted on their dreams.they believed and kept their dreams alive.they fought for them and in the end they celebrated their victories. they didnt bothered about the others, their dreams were tough but not impossible,certainly. one such beautiful story i know, wanna read it :-
the story goes like this -It was another noisy Thursday in frog world.
A group of young frogs were chatting, discussing the latest news. As they looked at the nearby TV tower, the city’s tallest structure, they thought how wonderful it would be to be able to climb on top of it, and go where no frog had ever been. “The wind, the view… oh, to be on top of the tower!” said one of the frogs, and the others croaked in agreement.
They decided that the following Sunday, they would all climb to the top of the tower. On the appointed day, several frogs gathered to watch the group of young frogs try and do the impossible. As the frogs lined up for the climb, you could hear the shouts from the crowd. “Don’t do it, it’s too dangerous!”
“No one’s done it before, what makes you think you can do it?”
Some of the young frogs heeded the warnings, and dropped out before the climb started. The rest set off nevertheless, and as some tiny frogs slipped and fell, you could hear the shouts grow louder. “You can’t do it!” “The tower is way too high!”
One by one, all the frogs gave up, except one little frog. That frog paid no heed to the exhortations, and kept climbing, higher and higher until finally he reached the top of the TV tower. The first frog ever to get there!
The frogs clapped and croaked in delight. When the little frog came down, the rest of them gathered around him.
“How did you manage it? What’s the secret of your success?” they asked.
The frog just looked on, and did not say a word. It turned out that he was deaf.
And so while the hordes were shouting “It can’t be done”, he hadn’t heard a word. He thought they were egging him on, and mistook their shouts as words of encouragement!
It’s a good idea to lead your life like that frog.
A group of young frogs were chatting, discussing the latest news. As they looked at the nearby TV tower, the city’s tallest structure, they thought how wonderful it would be to be able to climb on top of it, and go where no frog had ever been. “The wind, the view… oh, to be on top of the tower!” said one of the frogs, and the others croaked in agreement.
They decided that the following Sunday, they would all climb to the top of the tower. On the appointed day, several frogs gathered to watch the group of young frogs try and do the impossible. As the frogs lined up for the climb, you could hear the shouts from the crowd. “Don’t do it, it’s too dangerous!”
“No one’s done it before, what makes you think you can do it?”
Some of the young frogs heeded the warnings, and dropped out before the climb started. The rest set off nevertheless, and as some tiny frogs slipped and fell, you could hear the shouts grow louder. “You can’t do it!” “The tower is way too high!”
One by one, all the frogs gave up, except one little frog. That frog paid no heed to the exhortations, and kept climbing, higher and higher until finally he reached the top of the TV tower. The first frog ever to get there!
The frogs clapped and croaked in delight. When the little frog came down, the rest of them gathered around him.
“How did you manage it? What’s the secret of your success?” they asked.
The frog just looked on, and did not say a word. It turned out that he was deaf.
And so while the hordes were shouting “It can’t be done”, he hadn’t heard a word. He thought they were egging him on, and mistook their shouts as words of encouragement!
It’s a good idea to lead your life like that frog.
as you go chasing your dreams,your ambitions,your goals ,turn deaf and blind to people who says it cant be done by you !
A bumble bee! Now, according to the laws of aerodynamics, the bumble bee cannot fly because its body weight is too high when compared to its wingspan. But luckily, the bumble bee never went to school and is unaware of the laws of aerodynamics. So it happily flies!
we can also be like the deaf frog and the bumble bee,just we have to believe on our dreams.
so dream big and fly high.
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win but think you can't,
It's almost a cinch you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will.
It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are out classed, you are.
You've got to think high to rise.
You've got to be sure of your-self before
You can ever win the prize.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can
Friday, November 6, 2009
when things just dont go your way !!!
hopeless,gloomy,tired and disheartened -it seems that today was certainly not my day. many times what you expect is not what you get but still you can not complain about that and people ignore you even if you have given your best.a lot of people like me are there out in the open and even more sad but few of us only, know how to use the failure as tool. i agree, no success without failure, people says--don't think that you are rejected because you are not of optimum caliber or you are not good enough for the required job. it might been the condition that you were at your maximum in any other way but you could not convince them about your strong points. on the other hand what i interpret is --at situations like this either you missed anything or you are entangled in something that hampers your performance , either it is your past, your daily life or anything relating to your future. if you are not able to get it still then don't bother at all cause the more you'll think over it the more confusing it will become. i lost the opportunity and some other got it,work of different parameters,but still i m searching the broken link that could have cause this to me,consoling myself -better luck next time. rightly said by someone
When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high;
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high;
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are;
It may be near when it seems afar.
So, stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things go wrong that you mustn't quit.
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are;
It may be near when it seems afar.
So, stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things go wrong that you mustn't quit.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
here comes another funny cum sarcastic topic. I pondered ,do I really need to write on this or is it worth to be discussed with the people, well I don't mind accepting that I wasn't able to make any decision over it but you people will be able to make your comments after reading this , I am sure. See, people claims different type of things, like their contribution towards society ,their contribution towards nation's development and contribution in social causes and blah blah blah ! At the same time there are people who claim their contribution in prosperity of their star whom they follow. for example the so called king of bollywood "shahrukh khan" fan has gifted him a land in Scotland and an another gifted him a piece of land on moon. So all those who think they are the biggest contributor to the society need to correct themselves, these people are the biggest contributor to the society instead. Donating land for charity work or handing over a piece of land for homeless is all bullsh...., right! Thank god, we have such "saviors" or you can call them "MAHATMA", who still cares about our stars, otherwise they would have vanished, you know. These caring and helping people are the ones who deserve the bharat ratna and noble prize more than anyone else. a piece of land in Scotland and on moon as a birthday gift, do you have anything with you to be given on children's day and at the time of famines and draughts. Think over it and you will come to know that the gift has gone wasted. What if any 2 % of it had been gifted to the needy!!!
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