WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a [SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC] and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all.
The very first lines of our constitution .the introduction to our laws, rules and regulations, infact the introduction to our justice, our faith, belief and confidence.
For your immediate attention i have mentioned few words in capital,within brackets.
The five words that makes an every Indian citizen exactly the same.
It seems that these "words" are merely words on a paper. for this, I hope there is no one who will stand against me and if you do then u should have a really substantiative reason for that.
Now look , Mr. Thackrey - the lord of marashtrians "the marathis" is agree with me on the fact that these words are merely words and they posses no meaning to us.
There was one in the Indian history(Mr. Jinnah) ,who divided our diversified nation on the basis of religion, on the name of giving equal status to his community and then we have an another who wants to replicate the same (Mr.Raj Thackeray),this time for the rights of maharashtrians. "is it a cake,cut your piece and take it to your own plate !!!.
Thank god, these people don't have enough reach to the oxygen out there in the atmosphere otherwise they would have divided that too in to pieces,marking "Marathi oxygen for Marathi people". If maharashtra is for marathis ,karnataka for kannad ,tamil nadu for tamils, then why do we have india. divide the whole country and let the others invade India once again,let the history be repeated.
Balasaheb Thackeray claims that he is proud of those 109 marathi people who scarified their lives to make Mumbai a part of Maharashtra. Did he ever imagined how many people sacrified their lives for the freedom of india, and that india included maharashtra as well. Those people didnt bothered who is marathi and who is bihari. Did marathis fought alone for their freedom and if it is then the issue should be closed at once but they alone didnt. Did the marathi alone grieved for the 26/11,no,the whole india cried with them. Did they alone fought with all natural disasters,well i cant imagine if they did. I don't know what they are proud off. ....their race , their religion, their minds, or anything they did alone.
look friends, states were divided not the people !
And when someone like Sachin Tendulkar comments on this when he is asked to do - he portrays the truth only. People said -he should'nt have commented "mumbai for all" at a public place. Then where he should have commented "in his bathroom"? He pays taxes to government and have equal right to have his opinion on the things, after all our mighty constitution provides us with the right to speech and expression and Sachin is a literate.
1 comment:
Well,,,first of all I lykd d mindsetup
of our dear blogger...when he mentioned those most
imp. words 4m our constitution...
Totally agreed upon d fact wat he wrote upon for
>Mr. Jinnah
>Mr. Thackeray.... d so called lord of Mahrashtrians...
>Also d case of dividing just on d name of diff states
on d basis of religion...
But d thing i wanna convey is Sachin Tendulkar...
our gr8 Indian Cricketer just said dat ''''Mumbai is of India''''
dats it...
wtf these absurd politicians hv 2 yell
upon it....
These ppl just want 2 make politics
on d name of innocent citizens....
I just wanna request ol of U
via ds excellent piece of writing
Plz plz plz for GOD sake
INDIA is 1....and treat it as d same....
dont divide it but unite it....
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