Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Indian people are so Indian. our policies,beliefs and conventional theories have given us a lot of gifts.The most visible is our opportunism and access to technology of jugaad .these characteristics unite Indians.  everyone seeks an opportunity to drive the other off way, off course competition is tough.
elsewhere nations fights with others but here people fight among themselves.everyone owns " ME VERSUS THE REST OF THE WORLD" ideology. for us, ourselves ,our family and our career comes first. ignoring things is our habit and jugaad has become our tradition. a man's whole life seems to by sorrunded and supported by these jugaads.

Starting from the beginning ,when we were admitted to a good senior school ,the jugaad worked there and then after achieving medals of failure and compartments in our result we still carried on to higher studies with jugaad, not placed !!! no problem, jugaad is here too,you will get place on behalf of your father's social contacts. didnt got visa, jugaad available, getting in to national team-its impossible without jugaad.

jugaad can make you buy  anyything even if it do not fall under your budget ,need car means u need jugaad,need to make more money-make some jugaad. 
getting driver licensee, saving tax, saving power bills-go for a jugaad n etc etc etc...this jugaad country is well known for its jugaad. jugaad is a ability to get work done when things doesnt favor us. its about doing things with what you have and not with what you wished to have. don't compare it with physics and mechanics,its a different subject having largest readership in India. 

India is a country where it can be proved that god exits and miracle happens. otherwise how it would have been possible to make such huge progress and big development.we have a diary full of unsolved problems and even then we are happy. we are happy because we have jugaad ,  a USP of ours. this jugaad mindset and "ho jaaiga" attitude is the key thing that makes us different from the rest. those who dont have it , its ok.
learn from those who have because in India those who have it, are the winners at everyfront.

1 comment:

Ankit Gupta said...

Evry person's fvr8 word...

Yes...I do agree dat its unknowingly a true fact dat
it has becum a habit of man's whole lyf...
Especially ds...
is really an absurd thinking...

Well,I lykd dat fact wen d blogger
mentioned abt d governmental works
being fulfilled wid some 'jugaad' technology...
yes...its quite true in ds cunning world

I also think dat wen d Indian ppl wud get into a groove
and stop following ds 'jugaad' mindset...
they wil surely get wat they want...may b by sum xtra effort
but surely wid gr8 satisfaction...!!!